Merdith's Mischief: Miscellany: Fan Fiction: M7M Challenges
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Meredith's M7M Challenge Response Page

Welcome to my Magnificent Seven Monday Challenge Response page. What is this page about? Well, on one of the mailing lists I'm on, every Monday a challenge comes out. What sort of challenge? To write a 100 word piece (also referred to as a drabble) using the characters from "The Magnificent Seven" using the parameters listed.

Now, I will be the first to admit that not all of these are great. In fact, most of them are pretty bad, but they're supposed to be fun. The key to reading them is knowing about "the boys" who make up The Magnificent Seven. To find a description of "the boys" you might want to go here.

Now that you know a bit about the boys, you know that the original setting for them is the Old West. Well, as will happen in fandom, they've brached out into many different universes. The one I usually use when writing these drabbles is MOG's ATF universe. In the ATF universe, the time is modern day and the boys form the ATF's Team 7 based out of the Denver office. Another universe that I use sometimes for these stories is the "Little Britches - ATF" universe. The original "Little Britches" universe was created by J. K. Poffenberger and has the youngest two members of the team - Vin and JD as cousings ages 5 and 7. In Barbaretta Hayden's story Dreaming Of Angels, the "Little Britches" universe got update into the modern world as well.

I've broken the drabbles down by year and listed them from newest to oldest. Yes, I know I write a lot of them, but they're like M&M's - hard to limit yourself to only one. Anyway... Click on the date to read that Monday's challenge and enjoy!


May 2 9 16 23 30
April 4 11 18 25
March 7 14 21 28
February 7 14 21 28
January 3 10 17 24 31


December 6 13 20 27
November 1 8 15 22 29
October 4 11 18 25
September 6 13 20 27
August 2 9 16 23 30
July 5 12 19 26
June 7 14 21 28
May 3 10 17 24 31
April 5 12 19 26
March 1 8 15 22 29
February 2 9 16 23
January 5 12 19 26


December 1 8 15 22 29
November 3 10 17 24
October 6 13 20 27
September 1 8 15 22 29
August 4 11 18 25
July 7 14 21 28
June 2 9 16 23 30
May 5 12 19 26
April 07 14 21 28